Hi atwatsoniii ,
I'm probably missing something here but when I run the preview job it run's p4 counters and p4 changes to find the highest CL that applies to that workspace view:
p4 counter change
... p4 changes -m1 -ssubmitted p4 changes -m1 -ssubmitted
Change 217 on 2021/06/25 by super@test_ws 'Submit of ./f217
Then does the preview sync to that change:
P4 Task: syncing files at change: 217
... p4 sync -n /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/PreviewOnlyChangeReporting6/...@21___ -
p4 sync -n /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/PreviewOnlyChangeReporting/...@217
Then reports changes bounded by the last sync and that change it synced to:
P4: saving built changes.
Found last change 215 on syncID jenkins-NODE_NAME-PreviewOnlyChangeReporting-EXECUTOR_NUMBER
... p4 login -s +
... p4 client -o jenkins-master-PreviewOnlyChangeReporting-0 +
... p4 info +
... p4 info +
... p4 client -o jenkins-master-PreviewOnlyChangeReporting-0 +
... p4 changes -m20 p4 changes -m20
Note - When I ran this test 220 was the highest CL in the server.
Do you have an example console log where the change it syncs to and the one it reports on are different? If yes is this a stream with imports or a complicated view? Please provide the fullconsole log (note - if it contains sensitive data you can send it to support@perforce.com).
Also note that I tested this on 1.11.5 but the only difference I can see in the code is the security fix.
Thanks in advance,
Thanks for letting us know. I will test and let you know what I find.