Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 2.289.1 running on Windows Server2016
Artifactory Plugin 3.11.0 (Can't upgrade as it has a bug in it ... reported and supposedly fixed in next version)
Plugins ----- >
ace-editor 1.1 true
amazon-ecs 1.37 true
analysis-core 1.96 true
ansible 1.1 true
ansicolor 1.0.0 true
ant 1.11 true
antisamy-markup-formatter 2.1 true
any-buildstep 0.1 true
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api 4.5.13-1.0 true
appdynamics-dashboard 1.0.15 true
artifact-manager-s3 1.15 true
artifactory 3.11.0 true
atlassian-bitbucket-server-integration 2.1.3 true
audit-trail 3.8 true
authentication-tokens 1.4 true
aws-bucket-credentials 1.0.0 true
aws-codepipeline 0.44 true
aws-credentials 1.29 true
aws-global-configuration 1.6 true
aws-java-sdk 1.11.995 true
bitbucket-approve 1.0.3 true
bitbucket-pullrequest-builder 1.5.0 true
bitbucket-push-and-pull-request 2.7.2 true
block-queued-job 0.2.0 true
blueocean 1.24.7 true
blueocean-autofavorite 1.2.4 true
blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline 1.24.7 true
blueocean-commons 1.24.7 true
blueocean-config 1.24.7 true
blueocean-core-js 1.24.7 true
blueocean-dashboard 1.24.7 true
blueocean-display-url 2.4.1 true
blueocean-events 1.24.7 true
blueocean-executor-info 1.24.7 true
blueocean-git-pipeline 1.24.7 true
blueocean-github-pipeline 1.24.7 true
blueocean-i18n 1.24.7 true
blueocean-jira 1.24.7 true
blueocean-jwt 1.24.7 true
blueocean-personalization 1.24.7 true
blueocean-pipeline-api-impl 1.24.7 true
blueocean-pipeline-editor 1.24.7 true
blueocean-pipeline-scm-api 1.24.7 true
blueocean-rest 1.24.7 true
blueocean-rest-impl 1.24.7 true
blueocean-web 1.24.7 true
bootstrap4-api 4.6.0-3 true
bouncycastle-api 2.20 true
branch-api 2.6.4 true
bugzilla 1.5 true
build-cause-run-condition 0.1 true
build-monitor-plugin 1.12-SNAPSHOT (private-c0ace013-LC) true
build-notifications 1.5.0 true
build-timeout 1.20 true
caffeine-api 2.9.1-23.v51c4e2c879c8 true
ccm 3.2 true
checkmarx 2020.4.8 true
checks-api 1.7.0 true
cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source 2.9.8 true
cloudbees-folder 6.15 true
command-launcher 1.6 true
conditional-buildstep 1.4.1 true
config-file-provider 3.8.0 true
confluence-publisher 2.0.6 true
console-badge 1.1 true
convert-to-pipeline 1.0 true
copyartifact 1.46.1 true
credentials 2.5 true
credentials-binding 1.25 true
custom-job-icon 0.2 true
dashboard-view 2.16 true
dependency-check-jenkins-plugin 5.1.1 true
dependency-track 3.1.1 true
dependencyanalyzer 0.7 true
deploy 1.16 true
description-column-plugin 1.3 true
display-url-api 2.3.5 true
docker-commons 1.17 true
docker-java-api true
docker-plugin 1.2.2 true
docker-workflow 1.26 true
durable-task 1.36 true
ec2 1.61 true
echarts-api 5.1.0-2 true
eggplant-plugin 2.2 true
email-ext 2.83 true
envinject 2.3.0 true
envinject-api 1.7 true
extended-read-permission 3.2 true
external-monitor-job 1.7 true
favorite 2.3.3 true
findbugs 5.0.0 true
flexible-publish 0.16.1 true
font-awesome-api 5.15.3-3 true
ftppublisher 1.2 true
fxcop-runner 1.1 true
git 4.7.1 true
git-client 3.7.1 true
git-parameter 0.9.13 true
git-server 1.9 true
gitbucket 0.8 true
github 1.33.1 true
github-api 1.123 true
github-branch-source 2.9.7 true
github-pullrequest 0.3.0 true
gitlab-plugin 1.5.20 true
global-variable-string-parameter 1.2 true
gradle 1.36 true
groovy 2.4 true
h2-api 1.4.199 true
handlebars 3.0.8 true
handy-uri-templates-2-api 2.1.8-1.0 true
hp-application-automation-tools-plugin 6.8 true
htmlpublisher 1.25 true
http-post 1.2 true
hudson-pview-plugin 1.8 true
hygieia-publisher 2.1.5-SNAPSHOT (private-09/24/2019 08:49-lloydf) true
icon-shim 2.0.3 true
ivy 2.1 true
jackson2-api 2.12.3 true
jacoco 3.2.0 true
javadoc 1.6 true
jaxb true
jdk-tool 1.5 true
JDK_Parameter_Plugin 1.0 true
jenkins-design-language 1.24.7 true
jenkins-jira-issue-updater 1.18 true
jira 3.3 true
jira-ext 0.9 true
jira-steps 1.6.0 true
jira-trigger 1.0.1 true
JiraTestResultReporter 2.0.9 true
jjwt-api 0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173 true
job-dsl 1.77 true
jobConfigHistory 2.27 true
jquery 1.12.4-1 true
jquery-detached 1.2.1 true
jquery-ui 1.0.2 true
jquery3-api 3.6.0-1 true
jsch true
junit 1.49 true
ldap 2.0 true
lockable-resources 2.10 true
mailer 1.34 true
mapdb-api true
matrix-auth 2.6.7 true
matrix-project 1.18 true
maven-plugin 3.11 true
mercurial 2.15 true
momentjs 1.1.1 true
monitoring 1.87.0 true
msbuild 1.30 true
mstest 1.0.0 true
multibranch-scan-webhook-trigger 1.0.5 true
node-iterator-api 1.5.0 true
nodejs 1.4.0 true
Office-365-Connector 4.14.0 true
okhttp-api 3.14.9 true
page-markup 0.4-SNAPSHOT (private-02/23/2014 18:18-micha) true
pam-auth 1.6 true
parameterized-trigger 2.41 true
performance 3.19 true
pipeline-aws 1.43 true
pipeline-build-step 2.13 true
pipeline-github-lib 1.0 true
pipeline-graph-analysis 1.11 true
pipeline-input-step 2.12 true
pipeline-maven 3.10.0 true
pipeline-milestone-step 1.3.2 true
pipeline-model-api 1.8.5 true
pipeline-model-declarative-agent 1.1.1 true
pipeline-model-definition 1.8.5 true
pipeline-model-extensions 1.8.5 true
pipeline-npm 0.9.2 true
pipeline-rest-api 2.19 true
pipeline-stage-step 2.5 true
pipeline-stage-tags-metadata 1.8.5 true
pipeline-stage-view 2.19 true
pipeline-timeline 1.0.3 true
pipeline-utility-steps 2.8.0 true
plain-credentials 1.7 true
plugin-util-api 2.3.0 true
popper-api 1.16.1-2 true
powershell 1.5 true
publish-over 0.22 true
publish-over-ssh 1.22 true
pubsub-light 1.13 true
purge-job-history 1.6 true
resource-disposer 0.15 true
reverse-proxy-auth-plugin 1.7.1 true
role-strategy 3.1.1 true
run-condition 1.5 true
s3 0.11.7 true
s3explorer 1.0.8 true
saml 1.1.6 true
schedule-build 0.5.1 true
scm-api 2.6.4 true
script-security 1.77 true
skip-certificate-check 1.0 true
slack 2.48 true
sloccount 1.24 true
snakeyaml-api 1.27.0 true
sonar 2.13.1 true
sse-gateway 1.24 true
ssh 2.6.1 true
ssh-credentials 1.18.1 true
ssh-slaves 1.31.5 true
ssh-steps 2.0.0 true
ssh2easy 1.4 true
sshd 3.0.3 true
starteam 0.6.13 true
structs 1.23 true
subversion 2.14.2 true
team-views 0.9.0 true
TestComplete 2.6.2 true
tfs 5.157.1 true
timestamper 1.13 true
token-macro 2.15 true
trilead-api 1.0.13 true
uptime 1.0 true
variant 1.4 true
wildfly-deployer 1.0.2 true
windows-slaves 1.8 true
workflow-aggregator 2.6 true
workflow-api 2.46 true
workflow-basic-steps 2.23 true
workflow-cps 2.92 true
workflow-cps-global-lib 2.21 true
workflow-durable-task-step 2.39 true
workflow-job 2.41 true
workflow-multibranch 2.26 true
workflow-scm-step 2.13 true
workflow-step-api 2.23 true
workflow-support 3.8 true
ws-cleanup 0.39 true
zap 1.1.0 true
Jenkins 2.289.1 running on Windows Server2016 Artifactory Plugin 3.11.0 (Can't upgrade as it has a bug in it ... reported and supposedly fixed in next version) Plugins ----- > ace-editor 1.1 true amazon-ecs 1.37 true analysis-core 1.96 true ansible 1.1 true ansicolor 1.0.0 true ant 1.11 true antisamy-markup-formatter 2.1 true any-buildstep 0.1 true apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api 4.5.13-1.0 true appdynamics-dashboard 1.0.15 true artifact-manager-s3 1.15 true artifactory 3.11.0 true atlassian-bitbucket-server-integration 2.1.3 true audit-trail 3.8 true authentication-tokens 1.4 true aws-bucket-credentials 1.0.0 true aws-codepipeline 0.44 true aws-credentials 1.29 true aws-global-configuration 1.6 true aws-java-sdk 1.11.995 true bitbucket-approve 1.0.3 true bitbucket-pullrequest-builder 1.5.0 true bitbucket-push-and-pull-request 2.7.2 true block-queued-job 0.2.0 true blueocean 1.24.7 true blueocean-autofavorite 1.2.4 true blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline 1.24.7 true blueocean-commons 1.24.7 true blueocean-config 1.24.7 true blueocean-core-js 1.24.7 true blueocean-dashboard 1.24.7 true blueocean-display-url 2.4.1 true blueocean-events 1.24.7 true blueocean-executor-info 1.24.7 true blueocean-git-pipeline 1.24.7 true blueocean-github-pipeline 1.24.7 true blueocean-i18n 1.24.7 true blueocean-jira 1.24.7 true blueocean-jwt 1.24.7 true blueocean-personalization 1.24.7 true blueocean-pipeline-api-impl 1.24.7 true blueocean-pipeline-editor 1.24.7 true blueocean-pipeline-scm-api 1.24.7 true blueocean-rest 1.24.7 true blueocean-rest-impl 1.24.7 true blueocean-web 1.24.7 true bootstrap4-api 4.6.0-3 true bouncycastle-api 2.20 true branch-api 2.6.4 true bugzilla 1.5 true build-cause-run-condition 0.1 true build-monitor-plugin 1.12-SNAPSHOT (private-c0ace013-LC) true build-notifications 1.5.0 true build-timeout 1.20 true caffeine-api 2.9.1-23.v51c4e2c879c8 true ccm 3.2 true checkmarx 2020.4.8 true checks-api 1.7.0 true cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source 2.9.8 true cloudbees-folder 6.15 true command-launcher 1.6 true conditional-buildstep 1.4.1 true config-file-provider 3.8.0 true confluence-publisher 2.0.6 true console-badge 1.1 true convert-to-pipeline 1.0 true copyartifact 1.46.1 true credentials 2.5 true credentials-binding 1.25 true custom-job-icon 0.2 true dashboard-view 2.16 true dependency-check-jenkins-plugin 5.1.1 true dependency-track 3.1.1 true dependencyanalyzer 0.7 true deploy 1.16 true description-column-plugin 1.3 true display-url-api 2.3.5 true docker-commons 1.17 true docker-java-api true docker-plugin 1.2.2 true docker-workflow 1.26 true durable-task 1.36 true ec2 1.61 true echarts-api 5.1.0-2 true eggplant-plugin 2.2 true email-ext 2.83 true envinject 2.3.0 true envinject-api 1.7 true extended-read-permission 3.2 true external-monitor-job 1.7 true favorite 2.3.3 true findbugs 5.0.0 true flexible-publish 0.16.1 true font-awesome-api 5.15.3-3 true ftppublisher 1.2 true fxcop-runner 1.1 true git 4.7.1 true git-client 3.7.1 true git-parameter 0.9.13 true git-server 1.9 true gitbucket 0.8 true github 1.33.1 true github-api 1.123 true github-branch-source 2.9.7 true github-pullrequest 0.3.0 true gitlab-plugin 1.5.20 true global-variable-string-parameter 1.2 true gradle 1.36 true groovy 2.4 true h2-api 1.4.199 true handlebars 3.0.8 true handy-uri-templates-2-api 2.1.8-1.0 true hp-application-automation-tools-plugin 6.8 true htmlpublisher 1.25 true http-post 1.2 true hudson-pview-plugin 1.8 true hygieia-publisher 2.1.5-SNAPSHOT (private-09/24/2019 08:49-lloydf) true icon-shim 2.0.3 true ivy 2.1 true jackson2-api 2.12.3 true jacoco 3.2.0 true javadoc 1.6 true jaxb true jdk-tool 1.5 true JDK_Parameter_Plugin 1.0 true jenkins-design-language 1.24.7 true jenkins-jira-issue-updater 1.18 true jira 3.3 true jira-ext 0.9 true jira-steps 1.6.0 true jira-trigger 1.0.1 true JiraTestResultReporter 2.0.9 true jjwt-api 0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173 true job-dsl 1.77 true jobConfigHistory 2.27 true jquery 1.12.4-1 true jquery-detached 1.2.1 true jquery-ui 1.0.2 true jquery3-api 3.6.0-1 true jsch true junit 1.49 true ldap 2.0 true lockable-resources 2.10 true mailer 1.34 true mapdb-api true matrix-auth 2.6.7 true matrix-project 1.18 true maven-plugin 3.11 true mercurial 2.15 true momentjs 1.1.1 true monitoring 1.87.0 true msbuild 1.30 true mstest 1.0.0 true multibranch-scan-webhook-trigger 1.0.5 true node-iterator-api 1.5.0 true nodejs 1.4.0 true Office-365-Connector 4.14.0 true okhttp-api 3.14.9 true page-markup 0.4-SNAPSHOT (private-02/23/2014 18:18-micha) true pam-auth 1.6 true parameterized-trigger 2.41 true performance 3.19 true pipeline-aws 1.43 true pipeline-build-step 2.13 true pipeline-github-lib 1.0 true pipeline-graph-analysis 1.11 true pipeline-input-step 2.12 true pipeline-maven 3.10.0 true pipeline-milestone-step 1.3.2 true pipeline-model-api 1.8.5 true pipeline-model-declarative-agent 1.1.1 true pipeline-model-definition 1.8.5 true pipeline-model-extensions 1.8.5 true pipeline-npm 0.9.2 true pipeline-rest-api 2.19 true pipeline-stage-step 2.5 true pipeline-stage-tags-metadata 1.8.5 true pipeline-stage-view 2.19 true pipeline-timeline 1.0.3 true pipeline-utility-steps 2.8.0 true plain-credentials 1.7 true plugin-util-api 2.3.0 true popper-api 1.16.1-2 true powershell 1.5 true publish-over 0.22 true publish-over-ssh 1.22 true pubsub-light 1.13 true purge-job-history 1.6 true resource-disposer 0.15 true reverse-proxy-auth-plugin 1.7.1 true role-strategy 3.1.1 true run-condition 1.5 true s3 0.11.7 true s3explorer 1.0.8 true saml 1.1.6 true schedule-build 0.5.1 true scm-api 2.6.4 true script-security 1.77 true skip-certificate-check 1.0 true slack 2.48 true sloccount 1.24 true snakeyaml-api 1.27.0 true sonar 2.13.1 true sse-gateway 1.24 true ssh 2.6.1 true ssh-credentials 1.18.1 true ssh-slaves 1.31.5 true ssh-steps 2.0.0 true ssh2easy 1.4 true sshd 3.0.3 true starteam 0.6.13 true structs 1.23 true subversion 2.14.2 true team-views 0.9.0 true TestComplete 2.6.2 true tfs 5.157.1 true timestamper 1.13 true token-macro 2.15 true trilead-api 1.0.13 true uptime 1.0 true variant 1.4 true wildfly-deployer 1.0.2 true windows-slaves 1.8 true workflow-aggregator 2.6 true workflow-api 2.46 true workflow-basic-steps 2.23 true workflow-cps 2.92 true workflow-cps-global-lib 2.21 true workflow-durable-task-step 2.39 true workflow-job 2.41 true workflow-multibranch 2.26 true workflow-scm-step 2.13 true workflow-step-api 2.23 true workflow-support 3.8 true ws-cleanup 0.39 true zap 1.1.0 true
When I change anything in the Jenkins Configuration screen I get the followin90g:
WARNING o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler$Context#log: Error while serving https://jenkins.cdl.af.mil/configSubmitWARNING o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler$Context#log: Error while serving https://jenkins.cdl.af.mil/configSubmitorg.kohsuke.stapler.NoStaplerConstructorException: There's no @DataBoundConstructor on any constructor of boolean at org.kohsuke.stapler.ClassDescriptor.loadConstructorParamNames(ClassDescriptor.java:265) at org.kohsuke.stapler.RequestImpl.instantiate(RequestImpl.java:786) at org.kohsuke.stapler.RequestImpl.access$200(RequestImpl.java:85) at org.kohsuke.stapler.RequestImpl$TypePair.convertJSON(RequestImpl.java:690)Caused: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to instantiate boolean from {} at org.kohsuke.stapler.RequestImpl$TypePair.convertJSON(RequestImpl.java:693) at org.kohsuke.stapler.RequestImpl.bindJSON(RequestImpl.java:490) at org.kohsuke.stapler.RequestImpl.instantiate(RequestImpl.java:799)Caused: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to convert the bypassProxy parameter of the constructor public org.jfrog.hudson.JFrogPlatformInstance(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,org.jfrog.hudson.CredentialsConfig,org.jfrog.hudson.CredentialsConfig,int,boolean,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer) at org.kohsuke.stapler.RequestImpl.instantiate(RequestImpl.java:801) at org.kohsuke.stapler.RequestImpl.access$200(RequestImpl.java:85) at org.kohsuke.stapler.RequestImpl$TypePair.convertJSON(RequestImpl.java:690)Caused: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to instantiate class org.jfrog.hudson.JFrogPlatformInstance from {"stapler-class":"org.jfrog.hudson.JFrogPlatformInstance","instanceId":"HIQA Artifactory","url":"https://artifactory.cie.af.mil/artifactory","artifactoryUrl":"https://artifactory.cie.af.mil/artifactory","timeout":"100","connectionRetry":"2","deploymentThreads":"1","bypassProxy":{},"deployerCredentialsConfig":{"stapler-class":"org.jfrog.hudson.CredentialsConfig","includeUser":"false","credentialsId":"","username":"admin","password":"[value redacted]","$redact":"password"}} at org.kohsuke.stapler.RequestImpl$TypePair.convertJSON(RequestImpl.java:693)
Hello? Is there anyone who can look at this?