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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-6607

Cannot customise name given to baselines created by synergy plugin

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • synergy-plugin
    • None
    • Windows

      There is currently no functionality to customise the name given to a baseline created by the Baseline Publisher in the synergy plugin. It currently defaults to the Hudson job name with the date and time appended on the end after a ''. This doesn't work for me because my Synergy project is the '' character and Synergy complains when it tries to create the baseline.

      A good solution would be to be able to specify a prefix in any form, and a suffix of the form that can be put into line 129 of SynergyPublisher.java, i.e. to replace the "yyyyMMdd-hhmm" string in DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd-hhmm");

      Then I could specify a prefix of "NAME_" and a suffix of "yyyyMMdd" if i want to publish a baseline each day with the baseline name NAME_yyyyMMdd.

          [JENKINS-6607] Cannot customise name given to baselines created by synergy plugin

          Cecom added a comment -

          i didn't like the baseline naming, too. so here is a patch where you can configure it. after applying the patch you have a new textfield, where you can setup the baseline name. i use the ${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}.

          Cecom added a comment - i didn't like the baseline naming, too. so here is a patch where you can configure it. after applying the patch you have a new textfield, where you can setup the baseline name. i use the ${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}.

            jribette jribette
            travis_p travis_p
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