New Feature
Resolution: Won't Do
Add a visual indicator that tests have failed on the overview page like in the warnings-ng plugin.
Colleagues keep wondering why the receive "build failed" mails even though everything looks ok on the build overview page. They are all missing the failed tests because the warnings ng plugin has such a strong "green" visual indicator that everything is ok.
This is the output of a failed build:
This is the output of a successful build:
Hardly any difference at all.
A visual indicator like the following for builds that became unstable or failed because of failing tests would be very helpful.
Trend graph and action are handled by JUnit plugin. XUnit plugin just trasform report to JUnit XML report and send data to JUnit. So this is not possible unless to handle Action directly by this plugin (won't do, I want keep the integration).
JUnit plugin does not handle build result of kind unstable is I remember good so...the feature is not applicable