Asking for help with a behavioral question is much less likely to get an answer in the Jenkins issue tracker than asking in the chat channels or the mailing list. There are many more people watching the mailing list and the chat channels than are watching specific issues assigned to the _unsorted component.
Please use the mailing lists and the chat channels for questions rather than using the issue tracker.
The mailing list or chat channel will need more information to understand the details of your failure. Based on your description, I don't know what I would do to attempt to duplicate your problem. What steps do you take from a new installation to see the failure?
Asking for help with a behavioral question is much less likely to get an answer in the Jenkins issue tracker than asking in the chat channels or the mailing list. There are many more people watching the mailing list and the chat channels than are watching specific issues assigned to the _unsorted component.
Please use the mailing lists and the chat channels for questions rather than using the issue tracker.
The mailing list or chat channel will need more information to understand the details of your failure. Based on your description, I don't know what I would do to attempt to duplicate your problem. What steps do you take from a new installation to see the failure?