Hi, I know it's been a long time, sorry for the enormous delay.
When you create a target in your pipeline, Jenkins doesn't automatically write that into persistent storage. If you force a restart it might not be in persistent storage yet.
I'm not 100% sure if this is the actual cause of this issue, but if you create a new target in your pipeline, then does it actually matter as you're going to create the target again when you run the pipeline the next time? And if you use the target in multiple pipelines, then why do you create it in a separate pipeline instead of global configs?
Hi, I know it's been a long time, sorry for the enormous delay.
When you create a target in your pipeline, Jenkins doesn't automatically write that into persistent storage. If you force a restart it might not be in persistent storage yet.
I'm not 100% sure if this is the actual cause of this issue, but if you create a new target in your pipeline, then does it actually matter as you're going to create the target again when you run the pipeline the next time? And if you use the target in multiple pipelines, then why do you create it in a separate pipeline instead of global configs?