The openjdk-11 used in the Docker build has the default file encoding set to ANSI instead of UTF-8. This is from jenkins systemInfo:
sun.jnu.encoding | ANSI_X3.4-1968 |
As we use non ANSI file names, this breaks Jenkins:
WARNING h.i.i.InstallUncaughtExceptionHandler#handleException: Caught unhandled exception with ID f755cad7-a303-403d-9dde-3e9296ce302d java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters ...
Because the JAVA_OPTS parameter
doesn't work, we can't fix this. So we can't use the current Jenkins LTS container.
I think this issue is related to:
And therefore I think this issue is fixed (at least) in the next release.
timja might know much more about this – and maybe even likes to mark this issue as fixed?