Resolution: Duplicate
There is no Jenkins plugin support for new robotframework 4.X.X
robot framework has removed critical, non-critical concept from version 4 onwards.
ref: https://github.com/robotframework/robotframework/issues/3624
However the official jenkins plugin still displays critical and non-critical tabs while reporting. due to which
when user is using robotframework 4.0 onwards, all tests are reported under non-critical forcefully is ignoring the failures for test cases while reporting.
- duplicates
JENKINS-64516 Add support for Robot Framework 4.0
- Closed
Hello dibypaul, the link "Open Issues" (right column on the plugin's page at https://plugins.jenkins.io/robot/#documentation) guides you to the project https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS , where the issues should be associated to the component "RobotFramework".
The project where you opened the issue initially is "JENKINS-INFRA" (https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/INFRA) and is aimed at the Jenkins' Infrastructure issues only.
I'm migrating the issue to the correct location.