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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-66813

Error using between tokens in confluence



      I was following the plugin documentation and:

      • I added the macros to Confluence User Macros;
      • I created a page in confluence with between token;
      • I started a pipeline using between token as the post-build action.

      First, it requests 2 macros, but the between should have only 1 id.

      Second, if I use 2 unique marquers in a row and choose between 'foo' and 'bar' and use 'replacement' as the text to put in between, confluence just replaces the 2 macros by one and with a new id 'fooreplacementbar' 


      Am I doing something wrong?


      Confluence Version: 7.13.1

      Jenkins Version: 2.293

      Plugin Version: 2.0.6


            jhansche Joe Hansche
            anakinpt Hugo Dias
            1 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
