Resolution: Fixed
EC2 plugin 1.8
I have an instance cap of 3 set. If I have no instances currently running and I queue up 8 jobs that are tied to one AMI, more than three instances will be started. I believe this is because the instance cap is checked against the number of instances currently running from EC2 and then launches the instance. I'd think that, rather than just checking against the EC2 running instance count, we should be also including the number of instances we've started launching. That said, I'm not entirely sure how we'd go about doing that.
this is a major issue that is costing me real cash. over at http://jenkins.sqlalchemy.org/ , a new build will add about ten jobs simultaneously, and despite my instance limit of two, I immediately get five or more instances starting up, which I then have to go and kill manually or pay the price, literally. It seems a lot like the EC2 plugin is spawning based on the number of EC2 instances that amazon reports that are running, without taking into account the number of instances the plugin is already starting to spawn but won't yet be reported by amazon.