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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-66933

Build with parameter display issues


      Build with parameters is showing "parameter_name" and defined "parameter_values" in different lines. It was displaying both in the same-line in some previous Jenkins build. Is there any way to fix this?

      Please refer to the screenshot for the reference.

        1. text_box_with_boolean_flag.png
          131 kB
          Kumar Kumar
        2. text_box_with_boolean_flag_afterCSS_workaround.png
          130 kB
          Kumar Kumar
        3. Shouldbe-like-this1.png
          213 kB
          Kumar Kumar
        4. Shouldbe-like-this.png
          21 kB
          Kumar Kumar
        5. parameters_details.png
          159 kB
          Kumar Kumar
        6. Jenkins-build-with-parms-display-issue.png
          85 kB
          Kumar Kumar
        7. build_with_parameters_html_output.png
          270 kB
          Kumar Kumar

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