2022-02-04 04:58:25.594+0000 [id=381] INFO h.TcpSlaveAgentListener$ConnectionHandler#run: Connection #13 failed: java.io.EOFException
2022-02-04 04:58:25.631+0000 [id=382] INFO h.TcpSlaveAgentListener$ConnectionHandler#run: Accepted JNLP4-connect connection #14 from /****:13848
2022-02-04 04:58:26.710+0000 [id=336] INFO j.s.DefaultJnlpSlaveReceiver#channelClosed: Computer.threadPoolForRemoting [#181] for buildserver_59 terminated: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
2022-02-04 04:58:26.712+0000 [id=332] INFO hudson.remoting.Request$2#run: Failed to send back a reply to the request UserRequest:UserRPCRequest:hudson.remoting.JarLoader.writeJarTo[long,long,java.io.OutputStream](3): hudson.remoting.ChannelClosedException: Channel "hudson.remoting.Channel@44b318c9:JNLP4-connect connection from ****/****:13848": channel is already closed
This error message is shown in jenkins.err.log when I try to connect with .jnlp file.
I'm using JDK 1.8.0_202 on windows for both jenkins master(controller) and slave agent.
Connection is stable when agent is started as service, but it is terminated immediately after connected if I start agent by running .jnlp file.
As the log shows, I believe this error is about remoting 4.11 update included in jenkins 2.317.
Hope this bug is fixed soon
In your production environment, it would be safer to run only LTS releases of Jenkins.
Between 2.316 and 2.318, Remoting was upgraded to address
JENKINS-61212andJENKINS-64831. That might be related.Anyway, the log files of the agents may indicate what the problem is.