• Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • maven-plugin
    • None
    • Jenkins 2.303.3 and Maven plugin <= 3.15.1

      Fingerprints are not shown in Maven project jobs (/JOB/BUILD_NUMBER/fingerprints/) for all Maven submodules. Only is shown the latest generated one (latest module in the Maven reactor order).

      To fully reproduce the issue here we have a simple repo with 3 modules. Each of one generates a zip file called base.zip which is renamed to `de.bbl` so at the end of the build the generated artifacts (and other more not relevant) are:

      • target/core/de.bbl
      • target/server/de.bbl
      • target/web/de.bbl

      The only which appears in the ui is the one from `target/web/de.bbl`.

      It is not needed to perform the renaming assembly operation to reproduce it. Generating the same artifact name per module should be enough to reproduce it with a simple mvn clean package command.

      After debugging the Jenkins core code while executing the build I could see that for all modules the artifact de.bbl was referenced in the same way: `org.aalvarez:de.bbl` and not as `org.aalvarez:ARTIFACT_ID:de.bbl`:

      Core module

      Server module

      Web module

      So it seems like the artifacts should be produced as:

      • org.aalvarez:core:de.bbl
      • org.aalvarez:server:de.bbl
      • org.aalvarez:web:de.bbl

      in order to not being replaced the first two of them by the latest. I think for none standard artifacts (non pom.xml, non .jar files etc) the way they are produced is confusing.

        1. core.png
          191 kB
        2. fingerprints.png
          490 kB
        3. server.png
          200 kB
        4. web.png
          198 kB

          [JENKINS-67078] Maven jobs fingerprint issue

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            aalvarezcb Alejandro
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