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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-67127

Jenkins - active directory login not working for one specific user



      currently one of my customers / colleagues has the problem that he cannot log in to the instance assigned to him / his team via active directory. In the log of the Jenkins instance (2.289.3) only the following message appears:

      [id=455803] WARNING h.p.a.ActiveDirectoryUnixAuthenticationProvider#lambda$retrieveUser$0: Failed to retrieve user information for (his Username)
       javax.naming.SizeLimitExceededException: [LDAP: error code 4 - Sizelimit Exceeded]; remaining name 'DC=AAA,DC=BBB,DC=CCC'

      i have already spoken to our active directoy colleagues about this, but they think that it is more of a java problem and not an ad problem. by the way, there are 211 groups assigned to the user - if that helps to classify the error.

      I can log in to the instance with my user via AD without any problems. Unfortunately I can't find anything related to jenkins on the web - only java specific errors.
      maybe you can help me further.

      Jenkins: 2.289.3 (problem persists with 2.303.3)

      Active Directory Plugin Version: 2.25

      LDAP Plugin Version: 2.7

      thank you very much and best regards

            fbelzunc Félix Belzunce Arcos
            271340 Sascha Schattevo
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