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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-68109

Columns field doesn't save fields


      Today, the email results only showed 4 columns (Group, Job, Build, Status). 

      For months previous to today, the results email showed the columns we previously selected (Group, Health, Job, Status, Percentage, Total, Pass, Fail, LastRun, Duration, Description)


      When I configured the plug-in Columns field back to our settings, the configuration saved normally.  When I went back into Config, the default columns were displayed again (

      Health, Job, Status, Percentage, Total, Pass, Fail, Skip, Commits, LastRun, Duration, Description, Packages, Files, Classes, Methods, Lines, Conditions, Sonar, Build).


      Seems like the plug-in is not saving my Column changes.


            socrates Socrates Sidereas
            bschne15 Bruce Schneider
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            2 Start watching this issue
