When I unpack the war file for Jenkins 2.346.2, it reports WEB-INF/lib/spring-core-5.3.19.jar, not WEB-INF/lib/spring-core-5.3.11.jar.
Jenkins 2.332.4 reports spring-core-5.3.14.jar, not WEB-INF/lib/spring-core-5.3.11.jar.
We could upgrade the version in 2.346.3 from 5.3.19 to 5.3.20 (or 5.3.21 as included in Jenkins 2.357 or 5.3.22 as included in Jenkins 2.360), but that may not help this user because they appear to be running an outdated Jenkins version. They appear to be running a Jenkins version that is affected by Jenkins security advisories yet are expressing concern for a dependency update. Wouldn't it be better for the user to update their Jenkins core to 2.332.4 or 2.346.2 so that they are not affected by the security advisory?
As far as I can tell from an initial reading of those two vulnerabilities, Jenkins is not likely to be affected by them. The upgrade would quiet the scanners, but not really increase the security of Jenkins. If they upgrade to a newer Jenkins version, that would actually improve the security of their Jenkins installation.
jasonmadam what version of Jenkins are you running? It may be that I've missed some way of checking for dependencies and the Qualysys scanner is finding something that I've missed.
Fixed in jenkinsci/jenkins#6565. Released in 2.348.