Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins 2.346.1
please consider the following test pipeline
void runInPod(String testMyEnvValue, Closure closure){ String dockerRegistry = "<your-registry-here>" String workingDir = "/home/jenkins/agent" String userID = "1000" String gID = "1000" String uniqueLabel = "test-env-virables-${UUID.randomUUID().toString()}" String buildDockerImage = "${dockerRegistry}/ubuntu:20.04" String jnlpDockerImage = "${dockerRegistry}/jenkins/inbound-agent:4.11-1-alpine-jdk11" List imagePullSecrets = ["<your-pull-secret-here>"] steps.podTemplate( label: uniqueLabel, containers: [ steps.containerTemplate( args: "", command: "", image: jnlpDockerImage, name: "jnlp", ttyEnabled: false, workingDir: workingDir ), steps.containerTemplate( args: "99d", command: "sleep", image: buildDockerImage, name: "build", resourceRequestCpu: "1", resourceLimitCpu: "1", resourceRequestMemory: "1Gi", resourceLimitMemory: "1Gi", ttyEnabled: false, workingDir: workingDir ), ], // Setting environment variables for the pod envVars: [ steps.envVar(key: 'MY_ENV', value: "${testMyEnvValue}") ], runAsUser: userID, runAsGroup: gID, nodeUsageMode: "EXCLUSIVE", nodeSelector: "beta.kubernetes.io/os=linux", imagePullSecrets: imagePullSecrets, workspaceVolume: steps.emptyDirWorkspaceVolume(memory: false) ){ node(uniqueLabel) { closure() } } } stage("nested pods"){ runInPod("1"){ sh("echo MY_ENV == \$MY_ENV") // expected to get 1 -- passed runInPod("2"){ sh("echo MY_ENV == \$MY_ENV") // expected to get 2 -- passed } } } stage("pod should override env value"){ withEnv(["MY_ENV=0"]){ runInPod("1"){ sh("echo MY_ENV == \$MY_ENV") // expected to get 1 -- failed got 0 } } } stage("wnv value defined first + nested pods"){ env.MY_ENV="00" runInPod("1"){ sh("echo MY_ENV == \$MY_ENV") // expected to get 1 -- failed got 00 runInPod("2"){ sh("echo MY_ENV == \$MY_ENV") // expected to get 2 -- failed got 00 } } }
the envVars set in the pod definition cannot override the values that were set before the pod creation ( set using withEnv() or env.<> = <> or even global jenkins properties )