Resolution: Fixed
I have an issue with calling a CURL
Locally on my PC I do not have any issue to call specific job to get api/json data but whenever I executed the same command in jenkins (groovy) I am receiving bad path
curl -X POST "https://my-jenkins:4343/job/BS_branches/job/Software/job/2022%252Frelease%252FB118/lastBuild/api/json" --silent --user test:test > curl.json
I believe problem is in that job 2022%252Frelease%252FB118 but no idea how to convert for something what is working
Job should be 2022/release/B118 but somehow it is shown
Full project name: BS_branches/Software/2022%2Frelease%2FB118
Cleaning up. Doesn't seem to have been fixed.