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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-69307

Lightweight checkout support not available, falling back to full checkout.

      Hi, I use two repositories, in the project settings, in the jenkinsfile settings I do not interact with them in any way.  I have 
      1st repo : ssh:xxxx/jenkins-file.git
      2st repo : ssh:xxxx/source.git
      Each of them has its own name, and then I pass it to git parametr. When I don't have second branch it's ok, but git parametr doesn't work, because it needs to have a branch in scm from which it takes names of branches. When I add second branch I get error "Lightweight checkout support not available, falling back to full checkout." and master node downloads own repository. 


        1. log.png
          22 kB
          Dmytro Vakulenko
        2. git parameter setting.png
          69 kB
          Dmytro Vakulenko
        3. SCM Settings.png
          79 kB
          Dmytro Vakulenko
        4. Screenshot 2022-08-10 at 17.51.28.png
          9 kB
          Dmytro Vakulenko

          [JENKINS-69307] Lightweight checkout support not available, falling back to full checkout.

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            sdorra Sebastian Sdorra
            ruphus Dmytro Vakulenko
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