Resolution: Incomplete
Jenkins 2.346.1
xUnit plugin Version3.1.0
xUnit Categories Extension plugin Version1.1
Considering an run that is facing an issue (run over the timeout threshold for example), we are facing the below issue for the unit test foo :
- Run 0 : Test foo Passed
- Run 1 : Test foo failing, Age 1
- Run 2 : Test foo failing, age 2
- Run 3 : Test foo failing, age 3
- Run 4 : Run over the threshold (10mins), unit test foo has not beed played,
- Run 5 : Test foo failing, age 1
- Run 6 : test foo failing age 2
We wrongly believe that the run 5 is responsible for making the unit test failing.
I believe we should display on run 6 an age of 6.
This would requiere a paradigm shift from : Age is the run where status = Failed and Previous Run != Failed to
Age is the run where status = Failed and Previous run = Passed.
Or When a run is aborted and a status is different then Pass, we go through the previous run
We could argue over if Ignored should be included on it but we would love so that any aborder / not generated run would be included.
How would we separate a not played test to a non existent test is an issue tho.