I have looked at the one test case that where viewpath is changed to filepath. What is the relevance of this line:
List<ClearCaseChangeLogEntry> entries = action.getChanges(new Date(), "IGNORED", new String[]
{"Release_2_1_int"}, new String[]{"vobs/projects/Server"});
Is is a viewpath that is unrelated to what is defined in cleartool command. Also I can see that getChanges() is used in test code only but not in prod. code. Is this method replaced?
public void assertViewPathIsRemovedFromFilePaths() throws Exception {
context.checking(new Expectations() {
one(cleartool).lshistory(with(any(String.class)), with(any(Date.class)),
with(any(String.class)), with(any(String.class)), with(any(String[].class)));
will(returnValue(new StringReader(
"\"20070827.085901\" \"user\" \"action\" \"/view/ralef_0.2_nightly/vobs/Tools/framework/util/QT.h\" \"/main/comain\" \"mkelem\"\n")));
BaseChangeLogAction action = new BaseChangeLogAction(cleartool, 1000,null);
List<ClearCaseChangeLogEntry> entries = action.getChanges(new Date(), "IGNORED", new String[]{"Release_2_1_int"}
, new String[]
assertEquals("Number of history entries are incorrect", 1, entries.size());
ClearCaseChangeLogEntry entry = entries.get(0);
assertEquals("File path is incorrect", "/vobs/Tools/framework/util/QT.h", entry.getElements().get(0).getFile());
Here is the build.xml from the last successful build. There are 2 file changes after this build. I am trying to get the Clearcase plug-in to recognize these changes without my don't an explicit build.
See previous comment for the output generated after rebooting the Hudson server.