The "issue" is caused the latest jsch plugin: using mwiede/jsch instead of jcratf/jsch
And jsch since v2.0 disabled the ssh-rsa in 5fb0f736abdd98497a2906f8681db24072b6c67e , which modified jsch.server_host_key and PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms ( jsch.client_pubkey ) as below, and it also shows in the readme of mwiede/jsch:

So, it's pretty easy to re-enable by add into `JAVA_OPT` via:
works in Jenkins 2.401.1-lts-jdk11 and 2.411
btw, here are jsch plugin dependencies tree for jsch v0.2.8-65.v052c39de79b_2 in Jenkins 2.401.1-lts-jdk11
jsch ( 0.2.8-65.v052c39de79b_2 )
|... ssh-credentials ( 305.v8f4381501156 )
| |... credentials ( 1254.vb_96f366e7b_a_d )
| | |... structs ( 324.va_f5d6774f3a_d )
| | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
| | | |... javax-mail-api ( 1.6.2-9 )
| | | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
| | | |... instance-identity ( 173.va_37c494ec4e5 )
| | | | |... bouncycastle-api ( 2.28 )
| | |... configuration-as-code ( 1647.ve39ca_b_829b_42 )
| | | |... caffeine-api ( 3.1.6-115.vb_8b_b_328e59d8 )
| | | |... commons-text-api ( 1.10.0-36.vc008c8fcda_7b_ )
| | | | |... commons-lang3-api ( 3.12.0-36.vd97de6465d5b_ )
| | | | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
| | | | | |... javax-mail-api ( 1.6.2-9 )
| | | | | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
| | | | | |... instance-identity ( 173.va_37c494ec4e5 )
| | | | | | |... bouncycastle-api ( 2.28 )
| | | |... snakeyaml-api ( 1.33-95.va_b_a_e3e47b_fa_4 )
| |... trilead-api ( 2.84.v72119de229b_7 )
| |... instance-identity ( 173.va_37c494ec4e5 )
| | |... bouncycastle-api ( 2.28 )
|... trilead-api ( 2.84.v72119de229b_7 )
|... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
|... javax-mail-api ( 1.6.2-9 )
| |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
|... instance-identity ( 173.va_37c494ec4e5 )
| |... bouncycastle-api ( 2.28 )
and this is the jsch v0.1.55.61.va_e9ee26616e7 dependencies tree list:
jsch ( )
|... ssh-credentials ( 305.v8f4381501156 )
| |... credentials ( 1224.vc23ca_a_9a_2cb_0 )
| | |... structs ( 324.va_f5d6774f3a_d )
| | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
| | | |... javax-mail-api ( 1.6.2-9 )
| | | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
| | | |... instance-identity ( 142.v04572ca_5b_265 )
| | | | |... bouncycastle-api ( 2.27 )
| | | | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
| | | | | |... javax-mail-api ( 1.6.2-9 )
| | | | | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
| | |... configuration-as-code ( 1625.v27444588cc3d )
| | | |... caffeine-api ( 3.1.6-115.vb_8b_b_328e59d8 )
| | | |... commons-text-api ( 1.10.0-36.vc008c8fcda_7b_ )
| | | | |... commons-lang3-api ( 3.12.0-36.vd97de6465d5b_ )
| | | | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
| | | | | |... javax-mail-api ( 1.6.2-9 )
| | | | | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
| | | | | |... instance-identity ( 142.v04572ca_5b_265 )
| | | | | | |... bouncycastle-api ( 2.27 )
| | | | | | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
| | | | | | | |... javax-mail-api ( 1.6.2-9 )
| | | | | | | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
| | | |... snakeyaml-api ( 1.33-95.va_b_a_e3e47b_fa_4 )
| |... trilead-api ( 2.84.v72119de229b_7 )
| |... instance-identity ( 142.v04572ca_5b_265 )
| | |... bouncycastle-api ( 2.27 )
| | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
| | | |... javax-mail-api ( 1.6.2-9 )
| | | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
|... trilead-api ( 2.84.v72119de229b_7 )
|... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
|... javax-mail-api ( 1.6.2-9 )
| |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
|... instance-identity ( 142.v04572ca_5b_265 )
| |... bouncycastle-api ( 2.27 )
| | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
| | |... javax-mail-api ( 1.6.2-9 )
| | | |... javax-activation-api ( 1.2.0-6 )
Seems to be a problem with old, deprecated HOST key signing algorithms. Workaround might be to recreate the host keys of the remote.
Anyway: This needs to fixed here, too, by providing a method to still accept host keys signed with deprecated signing algorithms, just like OpenSSH does it.