I closed because supported schema supports only 3 decimal of second (than mean milliseconds precision) by design. Neither Ant nor Maven will never produce time attribute with 4 decimal (that mean fragment of millisecond).
Just to understand time in Ant (similar to Maven) is calculated using System.currentTimeMillis() and than divided by 1000 because time is expressed in seconds that means result never contains 4 decimal.
From Ant
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
junitTest.setRunTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
rootElement.setAttribute(ATTR_TIME, Double.toString(suite.getRunTime() / ONE_SECOND));
I suppose you are using some tool that declare to produce a JUnit report but use an own custom format. For those case please have a look to the documentation here.
As explained (long) in other issues I will never support any other kind of JUnit format. To meet this discussion I will close the issue as Won't Fix.
that schema is a mix of both Ant and Maven Surefire schema.
You link the windyroad that is ant schema (not apache official).