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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-72085

Requests to gerrit server are made for file path configuration regardless of triggering condition being satisfied or not


      Having a job that is configured to be triggerd only in case some files have been modified like in the screenshot:

      the plugin creates some gerrit request to check if the specified files have been modified or not.

      If the condition for the trigger is not matched then the requests to check if the specified files are made anyways even though they are not needed in this case.

      for instance if I comment "foo" it will not match regex "some_regex" and job will not be triggered, therefore it makes no sense to send requests to gerrit server to check for file paths. This doubles the number of gerrit request for any comment in the CI

            rsandell rsandell
            mihaiborsu Mihai
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
