New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.414.1
Active Choice Plugin : 2.7.2
Problem :
Sometime the configuration Script may take some big seconds to complete (provisionning by webserviceAPI calls, git commands, etc..). During this time, the user has an empty componant or a componant filled with previous state.
It should be interesting to have a setUp script which is call before the "regular" Script.
Usually this script will return a defaut "waiting" value.
The purpose of this, is to alert the user that something is building in background.
Another possible implementation can be to disable the component during the build.
That sounds interesting! Not sure if we should let users configure this script, or if we should simply display a loading message and maybe a skeleton or some other web component to let the user know the page is loading and eventually the parameter will be rendered.
Maybe Jenkins provides something that could be re-used here, which would make it easier to implement and maintain. Alas I have limited time to volunteer on the plug-in, so I will focus on bugs instead of new features. Feel free to start a pull request if you or anyone has time to volunteer on an implementation. Thanks!