Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins verion 2.428
I have a problem with the Active Choices plugin.
I wrote a Jenkinsfile that worked correctly on version 2.406. After updating to the stable version 2.414 and later to 2.428, it stopped working.
I received an error:
“No such adjunct found: org.kohsuke.stapler.jquery org.kohsuke.stapler.framework.adjunct.NoSuchAdjunctException: Neither org.kohsuke.stapler.jquery.css, .js, .html, nor .jelly were found.”
This caused the “CascadeChoiceParameter” and “DynamicReferenceParameter” to stop working - I didn’t change anything in the code.
This is part of my pipeline:
[$class: 'CascadeChoiceParameter', name: 'loadTestSelect', referencedParameters: 'testCaseSelect', choiceType: 'PT_RADIO', description: 'Wybierz scenariusz:', filterable: false, script: [ $class: 'GroovyScript', script: [ classpath: [], sandbox: true, script: ''' if (testCaseSelect == 'T6') { return [ 'Simple:5th1000run', 'Simple:10th120sec', 'Burst:10th120sec', 'Thread:1-20th2000runs'' ] } ''' ] ] ],
In the earlier version it referenced properly to testCaseSelect. Now nothing happens.
If you need more details, please give me know
After update to v. 2.8.1 works