Resolution: Fixed
I'm trying to publish a check in my GitHub PRs with the coverage results, showing the difference between PR branch and master branch.
My code, after executing mvn verify, is:
discoverGitReferenceBuild() recordCoverage(tools: [[parser: 'JACOCO', pattern: 'target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml']], sourceCodeRetention: 'NEVER')
The complete log of PR execution is this:
[Pipeline] discoverGitReferenceBuild [ReferenceFinder] Found a `MultiBranchProject`, trying to resolve the target branch from the configuration [ReferenceFinder] -> no target branch configured in step [ReferenceFinder] -> detected a pull or merge request for target branch 'master' [ReferenceFinder] -> inferred job for target branch: 'master' [ReferenceFinder] -> detected 203 commits in current branch (last one: '4174ca0') [ReferenceFinder] -> adding 1 commits from build '#17' of reference job (last one: '4174ca0') [ReferenceFinder] -> found a matching commit in current branch and target branch: '4174ca0' [ReferenceFinder] -> found build '#17' in reference job with matching commits [ReferenceFinder] Found reference build '#17' for target branch [Pipeline] recordCoverage [JaCoCo] Recording coverage results [JaCoCo] Searching for all files in '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/java_simple-java-app_PR-31' that match the pattern 'target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml' [JaCoCo] Traversing of symbolic links: disabled [JaCoCo] -> found 1 file [JaCoCo] Successfully parsed file '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/java_simple-java-app_PR-31/target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml' [JaCoCo] MODULE: 100.00% (1/1) [JaCoCo] PACKAGE: 100.00% (1/1) [JaCoCo] FILE: 100.00% (1/1) [JaCoCo] CLASS: 100.00% (1/1) [JaCoCo] METHOD: 33.33% (1/3) [JaCoCo] LINE: 40.00% (2/5) [JaCoCo] INSTRUCTION: 40.00% (6/15) [JaCoCo] COMPLEXITY: 3 [JaCoCo] COMPLEXITY_MAXIMUM: 1 [JaCoCo] COMPLEXITY_DENSITY: 3/5 [JaCoCo] LOC: 5 [JaCoCo] Successfully processed file 'target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml' [Coverage] Recording coverage results [Coverage] Searching for all files in '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/java_simple-java-app_PR-31' that match the pattern 'target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml' [Coverage] Traversing of symbolic links: disabled [Coverage] -> found 1 file [Coverage] Successfully parsed file '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/java_simple-java-app_PR-31/target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml' [Coverage] MODULE: 100.00% (1/1) [Coverage] PACKAGE: 100.00% (1/1) [Coverage] FILE: 100.00% (1/1) [Coverage] CLASS: 100.00% (1/1) [Coverage] METHOD: 33.33% (1/3) [Coverage] LINE: 40.00% (2/5) [Coverage] INSTRUCTION: 40.00% (6/15) [Coverage] COMPLEXITY: 3 [Coverage] COMPLEXITY_MAXIMUM: 1 [Coverage] COMPLEXITY_DENSITY: 3/5 [Coverage] LOC: 5 [Coverage] Successfully processed file 'target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml' [Coverage] Resolving source code files... [Coverage] Searching for source code files in '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/java_simple-java-app_PR-31/src/main/java' [Coverage] -> resolved absolute paths for all 1 source files [Coverage] Making paths of 1 source code files relative to workspace root... The recommended git tool is: NONE using credential xxx-xxx-xxxx [Coverage] Obtaining action of reference build [Coverage] Obtaining reference build from reference recorder [Coverage] -> Found 'java » simple-java-app » master #17' [Coverage] -> Using reference build 'java/simple-java-app/master #17' [Coverage] -> Found reference result in build '#17' [Coverage] Calculating the code delta... [Coverage] Exception while creating a GitClient instance for work tree '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/java_simple-java-app_PR-31' [Coverage] -> Git Delta Calculator could not be created for SCM 'hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM@273cbc42' in working tree '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/java_simple-java-app_PR-31' [Coverage] -> No suitable delta calculator found. [Coverage] Calculating coverage deltas... [Coverage] No quality gates have been set - skipping [Coverage] Executing source code painting... [Coverage] Finished coverage processing - adding the action to the build... [Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
I don't understand why there is no comments in the PR, all configuration is ok, can you help me please?
Thanks in advance.
Please do not use the issue tracker to ask questions. There is a dedicate Gitter chat.
From the log "[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found." it looks like you do not have the GitHub Checks plugin enabled or correctly configured. Please see https://github.com/jenkinsci/github-checks-plugin for details.