Resolution: Unresolved
priority-sorter 5.0.0
Reproduction steps
1. Set the following config for priority-sorter
priorityConfiguration: jobGroups: - jobGroupStrategy: "allJobs" priority: -1 priorityStrategies: - buildParameterStrategy: parameterName: "PRIORITY" - userIdCauseStrategy: priority: 4 usePriorityStrategies: true prioritySorterConfiguration: onlyAdminsMayEditPriorityConfiguration: true strategy: absoluteStrategy: defaultPriority: 5 numberOfPriorities: 7
2. Start Jenkins with the above configuration
Observed result
The actual value of the userIdCausePriority is 3 as can be shown by extracting the configuration of the plugin from the instance of Jenkins.
priorityStrategy: userIdCauseStrategy: priority: 3
Expected result
The expected value of the userIdCausePriority is 4 as defined in the input configuration file.
priorityStrategy: userIdCauseStrategy: priority: 4
Root cause
The 'scale' method in PriorityCalculationsUtil seems to be called when the JCasC configuration is being applied. The method returns distorted results due to numerical anomalies - apparently the actual float values are a little smaller/bigger than expected ones (e.g. 0.3(9) instead of 0.4) so the used 'floor' and 'ceil' functions may lead to wrong results.
I suggest modifying the 'scale' method itself or changing the context in which it's called.