Resolution: Not A Defect
Consider such pipeline:
pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Build distribution package') { steps { discoverGitReferenceBuild() mineRepository() withMaven() { sh "$MVN_CMD clean package" } } } } post { always { recordIssues(tools: [ taskScanner(highTags: '@Deprecated', normalTags:'FIXME', lowTags:'TODO', includePattern: '**/*.java, **/*.properties, **/*.xml', excludePattern: 'target/**/*') ]) } } }
Now consider such project structure:
/src/main/java/Project.java /src/main/resources/project.properties /src/main/resources/log4j2.xml /pom.xml
When a project is built with Maven the folder structure becomes:
/src/main/java/Project.java /src/main/resources/project.properties /src/main/resources/log4j2.xml /pom.xml /target/classes/Project.class /target/classes/log4j2.xml
Now if such workspace is mined for forensics and then scanned with Open Tasks Scanner it produces such error:
17:26:15 [Open Tasks Scanner] [-ERROR-] Errors while obtaining repository statistics 17:26:15 [Open Tasks Scanner] [-ERROR-] No statistics found for file 'workspace-name/target/classes/log4j2.xml'
If I remove forensics plugin from the workflow the error disappears.
From the looks of it Open Tasks Scanner doesn't apply exclude rules (in this case exclude for XML file) correctly when combined with forensics plugin. Or maybe forensics plugin just takes includes but doesn't take excludes?