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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-7255

None of the test reports contained any results using boost test 1.39


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • xunit-plugin
    • None
    • Windows XP

      I'm using boost test with this plugin and get the following output:

      [xUnit] Starting to record.
      [xUnit] Can't create the path D:\Develop\generatedJUnitFiles. Maybe the
      directory already exists.
      [xUnit] [BoostTest-1.35.0 (default)] - Processing 5 files with the pattern
      'boost-test-*.xml' relative to 'D:\Develop'.
      [xUnit] [INFO] - Converting 'D:\Develop\boost-test-Module1.xml' .
      [xUnit] [INFO] - Converting 'D:\Develop\boost-test-Module2.xml' .
      [xUnit] [INFO] - Converting 'D:\Develop\boost-test-Module3.xml' .
      [xUnit] [INFO] - Converting 'D:\Develop\boost-test-Module4.xml' .
      [xUnit] [INFO] - Converting 'D:\Develop\boost-test-Module5.xml' .
      [xUnit] The plugin hasn't been performed correctly: None of the test reports
      contained any result
      Finished: FAILURE

      My boost test XML files do contains results, and lots of them. An example of
      a converted file is:

      <testsuite tests="2" errors="0" failures="0" name="Master Test Suite"

      I'm using boost 1.39 but I don't think that's the problem otherwise the
      conversion would fail, surely? I'm using 1.6 of the xunit plugin on Hudson

      I've attached one of the boost test xml files.

            gbois Gregory Boissinot
            rioch rioch
            0 Vote for this issue
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