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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-72669

Throttling on manually first triggered jobs of multibranch pipeline does not work


      Context :

      1. we have a multibranch job, configured for discovering branches / MRs / ..., with such pipeline
        pipeline {
            agent { label ... }
            options {
                        categories: ['myCategory'],
                        throttleEnabled: true,
                        throttleOption: 'category'
      2. "myCategory" is configured properly
      3. but also configured for "Suppress automatic SCM triggering" (from Branch API plugin)
      4. so we have such jobs, where we manually triggered some job, under some "customer driven" needs

      Fact :
      Throttling works fine with respect to configuration / category, for jobs that have been scheduled at least once, but throttling seems to not be honored for the first run of every job in this multibranch job.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            pcbue Pierre-Christophe
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