After choosing java 17 openjdk and restarting my jenkins service, some (%85) build titles and display names disapear. They have disappeared in build history of each jobs by seeing the webpages and also in each "build.xml" file, now I see an empty value for description for example : <description></description>.
I have noticed that in the build.xml, some values have also changed like :
with java 11 : <flow-build plugin="workflow-job@2.39">
with java 17 : <flow-build plugin="workflow-job@1400.v7fd111b_ec82f">
I only changed the java version, so I don't understand why this info about "flow-build plugin" has changed and why it is showing a little weird version number now.
We loaded a snapshot of the machine and continue to work with java 11.
This issue happens each time we use java 17.
testbench you'll need to provide much more detail before others will be able to offer further help. "How to report an issue" provides the types of information that will encourage others to want to investigate.
Regarding the version number change in the job definition, when Jenkins writes a job definition, it includes the version of the plugin in the data that is written. The flow-build-plugin field was written by that version of the workflow-job plugin.