Resolution: Unresolved
Hello! I updated jenkins lts to 2.4402. and Active Choices Plug-in 2.8.3.
But, at Active Choices Plug-in 2.8.2,
CascadeChoiceParameter loading error happen.
I made build parameter right that.
choice( name: 'Test1', choices: ["A", "B"].join("\n"), description: 'for test1' ), choice( name: 'Test2', choices: ["C", "D"], description: 'for test2' ), [ $class: 'CascadeChoiceParameter', name: 'LogOptions", choiceType: "PT_SINGLE_SELECT", referenceParameters: "Test1,Test2", script: [ $class: 'GroovyScript", script: [ classpath: [], sandbox: true, script: """ if (Test1.equals('A') && Test2.equals('C')) { return [ 'First:selected', 'second' ] } else { return [ 'First:selected' ] }""".stripIndent() ] ], description: 'Test' ]
And I access at build parameter page, I cannot select parameter value of "LogOptions" parameter. only loading status showing. This parameter type is "CascadeChoiceParameter. I think CascadeChoiceParameter have bug. have you try to check this bug please?
(at Active Choices Plug-in 2.8.3, same problem happen.