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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-73097

Ignore artifact section for parent pom



      im trying to use placeholder for automatically recognize the maven project and the associated jars.

      Im trying to upload automatically the jar without specifying the name, over and over again.
      That why im using placeholder. Its working fine. Really good.
      But when im using Maven with Parent and Childs POM, the setup isnt working anymore because
      the plugin "recognized" the parent pom, as a pom as well.

      Parent1 -> Child1 & Child2
      The plugin tries to find a jar in target/Parent1-1.0.jar and tries to upload it. Obvious, its the parent, no jar exists. Is it possible that the plugin recognize a parent pom and skip the artifact section?

      Nexus Setup (Same as on the picture):
      Nexus Version: NEXUS3
      Protocol: HTTP
      NEXUS URL: <URL>
      Credentials: <CREDENTIALS>
      GroupId: ${POM_GROUPID}
      Version: ${POM_VERSION}-${BUILD_ID}
      Repository: <REPO NAME>
      ArtifactId: ${POM_ARTIFACTID}
      Type: jar
      File: target/${POM_ARTIFACTID}-${POM_VERSION}.jar

      Its my first "ISSUE" that im writing, im sorry for everything, hope that all information are okay.

            pskumar448 Suresh Kumar
            _silverphoenix Roman-Rene
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            1 Start watching this issue
