Resolution: Duplicate
Jenkins Version 2.452.1
Java 17.0.11
Folder-based Authorization Strategy 1.4
Folders Plugin 6.928.v7c780211d66e
Trying to add a new Folder Role, when i click on Button "Add Role" it does nothing and on browser console show the content below:
addrole.js:40 Uncaught }}{{TypeError: document.getElementById(...).getValue is not a function
at addFolderRole (addrole.js:40:74)
at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (folder-auth/:56:6207)
- duplicates
JENKINS-72433 Can not add role in Jenkins 2.426.1 with folder auth plugin because Prototype.js is used in folder auth plugin
- Open
Duplicate of report in JENKINS-72433.
If you'd like to fix the issue, please adopt the plugin, propose the fix, modernize the plugin, and release a new version (either manually or automatically).