New Feature
Resolution: Not A Defect
openjdk 21.0.2 2024-01-16
Apache Maven 3.8.8
The plug-in framework was created in io.jenkins.archetypes:hello-world-plugin
I used mvn-U archetype:generate to create the plug-in framework, selected io.jenkins.archetypes:hello-world-plugin, modified the plug-in template to inherit it from ParameterDefinition, and wrote the necessary methods. Then I generated the .hpi file through mvn clean package and installed it on my jenkins server. My jenkins server started with docker, and it installed normally and found my plug-in name "Configure multiple UI" in the "This project is parameterized" of the task. After I select this plug-in, I save the task configuration. In the "Build with Parameters" of the task, I select the data needed by the plug-in and click "build" to trigger the task build, but I cannot get the data selected by the user in the plug-in interface.