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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-73338

Active Choice Reactive Parameter is not returning value without []


      I am using the active choice reactive parameter for one of automation to dynamically populate the value with reference to the previous parameter, but the issue i found is that active choice reactive parameter not returning any output with variable enclosed with [], which is causing the issue for me.

      Same works fine with active choice reactive reference parameter, but since it doesn't have single select option i cannot use it.


      Please find the below snapshot for your reference

      I understand that single select always requires list kind of value, but the script which i am executing returns list datatype variable.


      while executing some groovy script also it is giving me the same kind of error, is there any fix for the same? I have tried it by adding parameter sections in the pipeline also not worked for me.

      can somebody have any solution on it?

            kinow Bruno P. Kinoshita
            amar_1909 Amar
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