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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-73378

Retry job URL requires POST after updaing Jenkins to 2.452.2


        I have updated to Jenkins 2.452.2 from 2.452.1 along with all the latest versions on plugins. I noticed that after the upgrade now when I "retry"  a failed build then I get this message [a]. PReviously "retry" directly start the build without asking for "Retry with Post". Can we get the old behaviour please?


      --Shahzad MUZAFFAR



      This URL requires POST

      The URL you're trying to access requires that requests be sent using POST (like a form submission). The button below allows you to retry accessing this URL using POST. URL being accessed:


      If you were sent here from an untrusted source, please proceed with caution.


          [JENKINS-73378] Retry job URL requires POST after updaing Jenkins to 2.452.2

          Note that I am talking about the "Retry" link on the build page ( see the attachment).

          Shahzad MUZAFFAR added a comment - Note that I am talking about the "Retry" link on the build page ( see the attachment).

          Markus Winter added a comment -

          Markus Winter added a comment - Related to https://github.com/jenkinsci/naginator-plugin/pull/111

          Steve Hill added a comment -

          PR 116 fixes this issue. It has been released as 1.475.v9c4e215e3416.

          It is a little different than before, as rebuilding no longer automatically redirects to the job's page, but there is no more "This URL requires POST" page. See PR 111 comment for more context.

          Steve Hill added a comment - PR 116 fixes this issue. It has been released as 1.475.v9c4e215e3416 . It is a little different than before, as rebuilding no longer automatically redirects to the job's page, but there is no more "This URL requires POST" page. See PR 111 comment for more context.

          Shahzad MUZAFFAR added a comment - - edited


            I have installed 1.475.v9c4e215e3416  and though it works now but if I do a "Right Click" and then "Open link in new tab" then on new tab it still shows "Retry with post" message. Can this be fixed please?




          Shahzad MUZAFFAR added a comment - - edited Hi,    I have installed 1.475.v9c4e215e3416   and though it works now but if I do a "Right Click" and then "Open link in new tab" then on new tab it still shows "Retry with post" message. Can this be fixed please?   Thanks, --Shahzad

          Markus Winter added a comment -

          Right click will not work and it is not possible to make it work. The behaviour is the same for the "Build Now" link in the side panel. There you also will get this post message when you open with right click in a new tab.

          The reason is that when you click the link, it will actually execute some javascript that will send a POST request to the url but the link will not be opened in the browser. Potentially that should not be made a link then but this would require bigger changes in core Jenkins.

          As clicking the link will not open a new page there is no reason to use right click and open in new tab I think.

          Markus Winter added a comment - Right click will not work and it is not possible to make it work. The behaviour is the same for the "Build Now" link in the side panel. There you also will get this post message when you open with right click in a new tab. The reason is that when you click the link, it will actually execute some javascript that will send a POST request to the url but the link will not be opened in the browser. Potentially that should not be made a link then but this would require bigger changes in core Jenkins. As clicking the link will not open a new page there is no reason to use right click and open in new tab I think.

            sghill Steve Hill
            smuzaffar Shahzad MUZAFFAR
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