Resolution: Unresolved
The update-center.md generated is producing a content that is not really satisfying for mardkown parsers. The bullet lists indentation is wrong and the segmentation between Proxy information and Update Sites is not working well either.
=== Sites ===
- Id: default
- Url: file:/tmp/jenkins/war/WEB-INF/plugins/update-center.json
- Connection Url: file:/tmp/jenkins/war/WEB-INF/plugins/update-center.json
- Implementation Type: org.acme.TestUC
Last updated: 1 hr 23 min
=== Proxy ===
- Host: squid.example.com
- Port: 3128
- No Proxy Hosts:
* *.svc.cluster.local
* localhost
* 10.1.*.*
Proxy Information should maybe be moved somewhere else by the way
- links to