Resolution: Unresolved
this is a regression but I'm not able to find the old bug which was solved months ago.
I just upgraded jenkins and its plugins, and while trying to run the build on dynamic slaves containers, i get this error:
org.apache.hc.client5.http.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to unix://localhost:2375 [localhost/] failed: Connection refused
before the upgrade, everything was working properly.
My cloud config:
Docker host URI: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
Here the versions:
Jenkins 2.462.1 -> 2.462.3
Docker API Plugin 3.4.0-94.v65ced49b_a_7d5
Docker Commons Plugin 443.v921729d5611d
Docker Pipeline 580.vc0c340686b_54
Docker plugin 1.6.2
Thank you!