Resolution: Fixed
Analysis Model API Plugin (analysis-model-api): 12.9.0
Warnings Plugin (warnings-ng): 11.9.0
after updating to the specified plugin versions the fingerprinting of files from a sarif report is broken.
[SARIF] [-ERROR-] Can't create fingerprints for some files: [SARIF] [-ERROR-] - 'file:///C:/J/workspace/Proj/Test.Tool.MyProj/DummyTest.cs', IO exception has been thrown: java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 4: file:///C:/J/workspace/Proj/Test.Tool.MyProj/DummyTest.cs
Maybe the problem was introduced by updating the sarifparser lib.
The changes made there on Sep 1, 2024 look like they may introduced the problem
Was this introduced by JENKINS-73449?
- links to
sarif report was generated by jetbrains inspectcode