Resolution: Unresolved
== Inline Script Block Line: 22 ---- <script type="text/javascript"> // Load google charts google.charts.load('current', {'packages': ['corechart']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(getData); function getData() { <j:forEach var="entry" items="${it.report.getProviders().entrySet()}"> <j:set var="key" value="${entry.key}"/> <j:set var="value" value="${entry.value}"/> <j:choose> <j:when test="${key != 'trusted-content'}"> drawChart('${key}', ${value.getSources().get(key).getSummary().getLow()}, ${value.getSources().get(key).getSummary().getMedium()}, ${value.getSources().get(key).getSummary().getHigh()}, ${value.getSources().get(key).getSummary().getCritical()}); </j:when> </j:choose> </j:forEach> } // Draw the chart and set the chart values function drawChart(providerKey, low, medium, high, critical) { var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ ['Severity', 'Vulnerabilities'], ['Low', low], ['Medium', medium], ['High', high], ['Critical', critical] ]); var options = { 'title': 'Severity of Vulnerabilities', 'width': 450, 'height': 300, pieSliceText: 'value', is3D: true, titleTextStyle: {fontSize: 18}, legend: {textStyle: {color: 'blue', fontSize: 15}}, fontSize: 15, slices: {0: {color: '#cccc00'}, 1: {color: '#ffa500'}, 2: {color: '#ff0000'}, 3: {color: '#800000'}} }; var chartDivId = 'vulnchart_' + providerKey; var pie = document.getElementById(chartDivId); pie.style.display = "block"; var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(pie); chart.draw(data, options); } </script> ---- == Inline Script Block Line: 133 ---- <script> function downloadReport() { // Get the download URL var downloadURL = generateURL(); // Create a temporary anchor element var downloadLink = document.createElement("a"); // Set the download link attributes downloadLink.href = downloadURL; downloadLink.download = "Dependency-Analytics-Report.html.html"; // Append the anchor element to the body document.body.appendChild(downloadLink); // Trigger a click event on the anchor element downloadLink.click(); // Remove the anchor element from the body document.body.removeChild(downloadLink); } function generateURL() { var currentUrl = window.location.pathname; const pathArray = currentUrl.split("/"); var splitLoc = currentUrl.indexOf("/" + pathArray[pathArray.length - 2] + "/") + 1; var baseUrl = currentUrl.substring(0, splitLoc); var url = `${it.jobtype}` if (url === "pipeline") { return baseUrl + "lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/dependency-analytics-report.html"; } else { return baseUrl + "artifact/dependency-analytics-report.html"; } } </script> ---- == Inline Event Handler Line: 131 ---- <input type="button" onclick="downloadReport();" value="Download RHDA Report (Details)"/> ----