Resolution: Not A Defect
Windows Server 2016, running Jenkins WAR-File as Windows-Service with Service-Wrapper, Active-Directory-Plugin working, installed is latest Plugin-Version 105.vf0d0de2a_b_8a_5
When opening Jenkins, the standard-login-form appears and no SSO happens.
Login with correct AD-Credentials is successfull then.
Jenkins-Log shows that Plugin/Waffle is running. When calling the context root / Jenkins Starturl the log shows, that the authentication works fine. My User-ID is logged.
But then nothing happens. No Redirect on the first Jenkins-Page.
Before Upgrading to 2.479.1 the plugin works fine without any config changes.
c.g.f.j.n.NegotiateSSO#startFilter: Starting Security Filter
2024-11-08 10:06:13.058+0000 [id=561] INFO w.s.NegotiateSecurityFilter#setPrincipalFormat: principal format: BOTH
2024-11-08 10:06:13.058+0000 [id=561] INFO w.s.NegotiateSecurityFilter#setRoleFormat: role format: BOTH
2024-11-08 10:06:13.059+0000 [id=561] INFO w.s.s.SecurityFilterProviderCollection#<init>: loading 'waffle.servlet.spi.NegotiateSecurityFilterProvider'
2024-11-08 10:06:13.060+0000 [id=561] INFO w.s.s.SecurityFilterProviderCollection#<init>: loading 'waffle.servlet.spi.BasicSecurityFilterProvider'
2024-11-08 10:06:13.060+0000 [id=561] INFO w.s.NegotiateSecurityFilter#init: [waffle.servlet.NegotiateSecurityFilter] started
2024-11-08 10:06:13.060+0000 [id=561] INFO w.s.NegotiateSecurityFilter#init: [waffle.servlet.NegotiateSecurityFilter] started
2024-11-08 10:06:38.897+0000 [id=561] INFO w.s.NegotiateSecurityFilter#doFilter: successfully logged in user: <correkt-Domain removed>\<correct userid removed>
2024-11-08 10:06:54.874+0000 [id=541] INFO h.p.a.ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationProvider#<init>: Active Directory domain is DC=prod,DC=d001,DC=loc
The 136.vda_2b_6a_744b_d8 plugin release is required for Jenkins 2.475 and later. Those versions have upgraded from Spring Security 5 to Spring Security 6. It requires the same steps to install it as are required for the LDAP plugin, the CAS plugin, and the reverse proxy auth plugin. Those steps are described in the Jenkins 2.479.1 upgrade guide as: