Resolution: Not A Defect
OS Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
The same issue was reproduced on OS Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
Jenkins version 2.490
Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin 933.0.2
Bitbucket Cloud
We used the Bitbucket Cloud + Jenkins server and I have an issue with the Pull Requests build status
On the bitbucket Cloud side, we use the Branch restrictions rules to check the Minimum number of successful builds. This allows us to make sure we merge only stable code to our Stage environment. Since the last two weeks, the build status fully has worked only for branch tabs in Bitbucket Cloud and partly for PR tabs in Bitbucket Cloud.
Bitbucket configuration:
- Create a user.
- Create an app password.
- Add user to Repo.
- Create Webhhok in Repo https://jenkins-url/bitbucket-scmsource-hook/notify
- Configure Branch restrictions for example for stage branch
5.1 Minimum number of successful builds for the last commit with no failed builds and no in-progress builds -1
5.2 Prevent a merge with unresolved merge checks
Jenkins configuration
- Add credentials with Username and App password to the credentials
- Install the plugin Bitbucket Branch Source
- Go to Jenkins system setting Bitbucket Endpoints
3.1 Use Manage hooks
3.2 Chose stored credentials from the step 1
3.3 Use the Jenkins URL in the Custom Jenkins Root URL field.
Jenkins Multibranch pipeline project
- Use Branch Sources - Bitbucket
- Use the same credentials from (Jenkins configuration step 1)
- Configure repo
- Run any build for any branch
- Create PR from the branch that was built in the Multibranch pipeline to the stage branch
If we go to the branches tab that was built we will see the connection to the Multibranch pipeline project - specific build
But if we go to the PR tab and check the same we see the built status icon but without connection to Builds
When I click on the Builds icon I don't see anything and as a result, I can't merge the PR because the build result is successful but without a connection to the specific build
I have checked the webhook logs and it looks also fine
I can not reproduce the issue. Our production works and show only the build status related to the PR (that have refname = null)
Hi, I would ask to you to call this API for your PR
https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/<owner>/<repo_slug>/pullrequests/<PR-id>/statuses using the app password (also in postaman)
I would to see the response. In particular how many values are there, in particular key/state/refname/commit-hash.
If no result than use this other call to the latest commit of the PR: