Resolution: Unresolved
Docker image jenkins:2.426.3-lts-jdk11, jenkins:jdk17, jenkins:latest-jdk21 running on kubernetes or Docker.
Jenkins Console Output Issue with Input Step
Issue Description
Console output is not displaying in Jenkins web interface when using pipeline-as-code with input steps. This issue occurs specifically with Jenkins versions 2.426.3-lts-jdk11 and latest-jdk21, but works correctly in version 2.426.1-lts-jdk11.
- Affected Jenkins versions:
- jenkins:2.426.3-lts-jdk11
- jenkins:latest-jdk21
- Working Jenkins version:
- jenkins:2.426.1-lts-jdk11
Pipeline Configuration
The issue manifests when the following input step is present in the pipeline:
def userInput = input( message: 'Please enter landing zone code', parameters: [string( defaultValue: 'lz000', description: 'The name of the assigned landing zone for this application', name: 'lzCode' )] )
For all Jenkins steps and stages after this the Jenkins console is blank.
However the output is visible in raw text format.
Attempted Solutions
- JAVA_OPTS Modification
- Added memory settings:
JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx2048m -Xms512m"
- Added GC logging:
- JENKINS_OPTS Modification
- Modified logging settings:
JENKINS_OPTS="{}httpKeepAliveTimeout=60000{-} -handlerCountMax=100"
- Adjusted console output buffer:
- Pipeline execution continues normally
- Web interface shows no console output
- Pipeline steps execute successfully
- Input prompts appear but without surrounding console context
- Issue only manifests when input step is present in pipeline code
- Difficult to debug pipeline issues
- No visibility into pipeline execution progress
- Reduced ability to troubleshoot deployment problems
- Affects operational efficiency and monitoring capabilities
Currently, the only viable workaround is to use Jenkins version 2.426.1-lts-jdk11, which does not exhibit this issue.
Additional Notes
- The issue appears to be related specifically to the interaction between the input step and console output handling
- Problem persists across different browser types
- Jenkins system logs show no relevant errors
- Issue is reproducible in clean installations of affected versions
Please investigate why console output fails specifically when input steps are present in pipeline code for versions after 2.426.1-lts-jdk11. This appears to be a regression in newer Jenkins versions.
The complete pipeline is below
pipeline { agent any options { disableConcurrentBuilds() timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') skipDefaultCheckout() } environment { BITBUCKET_COMMON_CREDS = credentials('BITBUCKET_COMMON_CREDS') REPOSITORY_CREDS = credentials('REPOSITORY_INFO') CURRENT_BRANCH = "main" PIPELINE_LOG_LEVEL = 'FINEST' LANDING_ZONE_CODE = 'lz000' // Default landing zone code } stages { stage("Extracting landing zone environment variables") { steps { script { try { def userInput = input( message: 'Please enter landing zone code', parameters: [string( defaultValue: 'lz000', description: 'The name of the assigned landing zone for this application', name: 'lzCode' )] ) env.lzCode = userInput def props = readProperties(file: "${env.lzCode}.conf") props.each { k, v -> env[k] = v } } catch (Exception e) { error "Failed to process landing zone configuration" } } } } stage("Getting Azure CSF Landing Zone Foundations") { steps { script { env.ORG_REPO_SPACE = REPOSITORY_CREDS_USR env.GIT_REPO = REPOSITORY_CREDS_PSW } cleanWs() withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'REPOSITORY_INFO', usernameVariable: 'REPO_SPACE', passwordVariable: 'REPO_NAME')]) { script { def gitUrl = "https://${BITBUCKET_COMMON_CREDS_USR}:${BITBUCKET_COMMON_CREDS_PSW}@github.com/${ORG_REPO_SPACE}/${GIT_REPO}.git" checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [ [name: "*/${CURRENT_BRANCH}"] ], userRemoteConfigs: [ [url: gitUrl] ] ]) } } } } stage("Configuring Azure Access") { steps { script { sh 'chmod +x ./login.sh' } } } stage("Deploying Application Infrastructure") { steps { script { sh 'chmod +x ./test.sh' } } } stage("Deployment Validation Checks") { steps { script { sh 'chmod +x ./check-aks-cert-readiness.sh' } } } stage("Deployment Summary") { steps { script { sh 'echo "================== BEGIN VALIDATION ========="' sh 'pwd' sh 'ls -l' sh 'echo "================== DONE VALIDATING =========="' } } } } post { always { cleanWs() } failure { script { echo "Pipeline failed. Cleaning up..." } } } }