Currently it appears I need to put the sauce username and api key in two places. First in the hudson config so the ssh tunneling works, and then second ~/.sauce-ondemand so the Sauce OnDemand driver for SeleniumFactory knows what it is.

      It seems better if the hudson config could pick it up automatically from ~/.sauce-ondemand, or if was passed through to the hudson project with environment variables. Perhaps one of these things already works, but I didn't see it in the documentation.

          [JENKINS-7828] sharing of sauce username and api key

          Andrew Bayer added a comment -

          I think having an option to override with values from environment variables may work, but there are use cases (such as my employer's) where we need to be able to specify the username/api key in Hudson, so I'd argue strongly against only allowing them to come from an environment variable. I'd also argue against picking them up from ~/.sauce-ondemand - that won't work if the file's not there on the master, such as if the tests are all being run on slaves, etc.

          Andrew Bayer added a comment - I think having an option to override with values from environment variables may work, but there are use cases (such as my employer's) where we need to be able to specify the username/api key in Hudson, so I'd argue strongly against only allowing them to come from an environment variable. I'd also argue against picking them up from ~/.sauce-ondemand - that won't work if the file's not there on the master, such as if the tests are all being run on slaves, etc.

          scytacki added a comment -

          To be more clear, I'm not suggesting that the global username/api key settings in Hudson come from environment variables. Rather that the values set in sauce ondemand section of /hudson/configure are provided by hudson to jobs as environment variables. This way scripts/tasks run in these jobs can figure out these values without having to specify them again.

          scytacki added a comment - To be more clear, I'm not suggesting that the global username/api key settings in Hudson come from environment variables. Rather that the values set in sauce ondemand section of /hudson/configure are provided by hudson to jobs as environment variables. This way scripts/tasks run in these jobs can figure out these values without having to specify them again.

          lacostej added a comment -

          If I understand you well, you want hudson to expose its sauceondemand settings as environment variables and the sauce ondemand selenium driver to pick them from the environment.

          Assuming this is done (as part of this issue), according to my reading of the source code, you will have to either

          to override the username and access key come from a value coming from the environment. (see SeleniumFactory.js line 116 )

          lacostej added a comment - If I understand you well, you want hudson to expose its sauceondemand settings as environment variables and the sauce ondemand selenium driver to pick them from the environment. Assuming this is done (as part of this issue), according to my reading of the source code, you will have to either pass the SeleniumFactory a parametrized URL, e.g. with export SELENIUM_DRIVER=.....&username=$(SAUCEONDEMAND_USER)&access-key=$(SAUCEONDEMAND_KEY) or modify com/saucelabs/sauce_ondemand/driver/SauceOnDemandSPIImpl.js line ~ 71 ( ) to override the username and access key come from a value coming from the environment. (see SeleniumFactory.js line 116 )

          Ross Rowe added a comment -

          Hi, I'm making some improvements to the configuration UI of the Sauce plugin, and one of the things I'm implementing is the ability to override the user name/access key at the job level.

          Will this provide the functionality that you require?



          Ross Rowe added a comment - Hi, I'm making some improvements to the configuration UI of the Sauce plugin, and one of the things I'm implementing is the ability to override the user name/access key at the job level. Will this provide the functionality that you require? Cheers, Ross

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Ross Rowe

          JENKINS-7828 Added ability to use authentication information in ~/.sauce-ondemand file

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Ross Rowe Path: src/main/java/hudson/plugins/sauce_ondemand/ src/main/java/hudson/plugins/sauce_ondemand/ src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/sauce_ondemand/PluginImpl/config.jelly Log: JENKINS-7828 Added ability to use authentication information in ~/.sauce-ondemand file

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Ross Rowe

          JENKINS-7828 Added ability to use authentication information in ~/.sauce-ondemand file

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Ross Rowe Path: src/test/java/hudson/plugins/sauce_ondemand/ Log: JENKINS-7828 Added ability to use authentication information in ~/.sauce-ondemand file

          Ross Rowe added a comment -

          I have added an option in the Admin interface to select whether to use the authentication details in the ~/.sauce-ondemand file, please let me know if you have any further issues.

          Ross Rowe added a comment - I have added an option in the Admin interface to select whether to use the authentication details in the ~/.sauce-ondemand file, please let me know if you have any further issues.

            rossrowe Ross Rowe
            scytacki scytacki
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