Resolution: Fixed
Running on Native Ubuntu, the war file is used in standalone mode (not deployed under tomcat)
Build publisher works perfectly within the LAN network, and other networks where there are no proxies in between. In a corporate environment, the build publish transmitter is behind a proxy and the build receiver is outside (i.e. a public web server)
The plugin doesn't seem to use the settings available under the pluginManager/Advanced tab for proxy settings. Verified that the plugin manager is able to connect to jenkins-ci.org to download plugins, so it is not a configuration problem.
The issue is not resolved even if JVM is invoked with -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=<proxy> -DproxyPort=<port>. [Even in this case, the plugin manager is able to utilize these settings, while the build publisher is not]
Proxy support is added in rel. 1.12. It uses proxy setting from Update center.