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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-9214

Options for "use time rule" and "do not reset config spec" must also be available for Snapshot Views

    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • clearcase-plugin
    • None

      When configuring the Base ClearCase options for a job it is only possible to select the options "Use time rule in config spec" and "Do Not Reset Config Spec" if you are using dynamic views.

      However these options are also valid for snapshot views. Please move them outside of the scope of "use dynamic view" option.

          [JENKINS-9214] Options for "use time rule" and "do not reset config spec" must also be available for Snapshot Views

          Jose Sa added a comment - - edited

          Edit: commented the wrong issue. Still any update on this issue ?

          Jose Sa added a comment - - edited Edit: commented the wrong issue. Still any update on this issue ?

          anb0s added a comment -

          We have a patch for snapshot views to use similar option like "Do Not Reset Config Spec". It can be provided.
          No idea how and why option "Use time rule in config spec" can be used for snapshot views...

          anb0s added a comment - We have a patch for snapshot views to use similar option like "Do Not Reset Config Spec". It can be provided. No idea how and why option "Use time rule in config spec" can be used for snapshot views...

          Jose Sa added a comment -

          For the same reason it is available in dynamic views. To make sure all elements visible are aligned with the same timestamp.

          This is very useful in Continuous Integration where you can just make "development" builds one after the other without applying any labels (just capturing the artifacts and the config spec). Then developers when ready to release pick a particular build that was thoroughly tested and mark it for release. Only during release (after a few days from the original build) we actually create and apply the release label using the config spec locked with specific timestamp.

          The fact of being a snapshot only helps in Windows environment because compilation is much faster due to slow samba connections when using dynamic views.

          Jose Sa added a comment - For the same reason it is available in dynamic views. To make sure all elements visible are aligned with the same timestamp. This is very useful in Continuous Integration where you can just make "development" builds one after the other without applying any labels (just capturing the artifacts and the config spec). Then developers when ready to release pick a particular build that was thoroughly tested and mark it for release. Only during release (after a few days from the original build) we actually create and apply the release label using the config spec locked with specific timestamp. The fact of being a snapshot only helps in Windows environment because compilation is much faster due to slow samba connections when using dynamic views.

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            josesa Jose Sa
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