Resolution: Fixed
Windows Server 2008, Client Windows XP, Java 1.6 Tomcat 7
I click "Wall Display" (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Wall+Display+Plugin) in Jenkins start Screen and download the jnlp File.
I double click the Jnlp and the Java Web start apllication starts establishing the connection.
Then the windows shows message "MavenModuleSet:MavenModuleSet".
I expect my build projects to be shown, but not text "MavenModuleSet:MavenModuleSet".
We use authentfication via ldap, maybe we muts configure user/pwd in the jnlp file?
There is no documentation
- depends on
JENKINS-9843 NotExportableException in hudson.plugins.git.opt.PreBuildMergeOptions on job/(.*)/api/(.*)?depth=1
- Closed