Resolution: Not A Defect
Hudson v1.377, Win Server 2003 R2 x64 SP2, Join v1.9, Parametrized trigger v2.7
Hudson v1.377
Join plugin v1.9
Parametrized trigger v2.7
Job A calls job B, C, D and E via the parametrized trigger. The join in job A should start job F when all are stable. However, F started after B, C and E finished while D was still waiting for a free slave.
The parametrized trigger of B, C, D and E is called from within the join by setting the post actions.
On a side note the jobs C and D starting each another 2 jobs via parametrized triggers.
This happens when I use the Join trigger in job A in the following way:
However, it seems not to occur when I change the join settings to the following: